Terms and Conditions

Site terms of use

By accessing this Site you agree that the Site may be used only for lawful purposes and in a lawful manner. You agree to comply with all applicable laws, statutes and regulations worldwide regarding the Site and any transactions or activity conducted on or through the Site.

Terms of Sale


The following Terms of Sale apply to all Orders placed with us for all of our Services. Our Terms of Sale set out the basis on which We enter into a contract to provide Services to You.


‘Access Contact’ means the Customer but extends further to any other nominated point of contact facilitating access to the place of delivery (examples include, but are not limited to a tenant, friend, neighbour, inventory clerk, builder or cleaner).

‘Company’ means Primary Office Furniture Services Ltd or any affiliate entity, noting that references to “Our”, “Us” or “We” shall mean Primary Office Furniture Services Ltd or any of its affiliate entities.

‘Customer’ means the person or legal entity that placed any Order or any other agent or person nominated insofar as such other person could reasonably be expected to have the necessary authority regarding the issue in question, including but not limited to, the property owner, an estate agent or property manager or other such authorised person, noting that reference to “You” and “Your” shall mean the Customer.

‘Failed Delivery’ means a failure to meet the agreed delivery date and/or a failure to complete the delivery.

‘Nationwide Service’ means Our courier service that is available throughout mainland Great Britain outside of the Local Delivery Zones.

‘Order’ means the order by You of any Services from Us.

‘Personal Data’ means information that relates to an identified or identifiable individual

‘Services’ means the services ordered in accordance with the contract and described in the invoice and/or purchase order to be supplied by Us to the Customer, including but not limited to, installation of Goods, customer services, warehousing, delivery and removal of Goods and administration.

‘Site’ means Our website at www.Primaryofs.co.uk As may be amended and updated from time to time.

‘Terms of Sale’ means these terms and conditions for the supply of Services that are ordered through Our Site, as amended and updated from time to time.

‘VAT’ means value added tax levied on the sale of Goods and Services in the UK.

Changes to the Terms of Sale

Please note, these Terms of Sale are subject to change from time to time, without prior notice. Any changes will be effective from the date of publication on the Site. Your continued use of the Site following such change(s) shall be deemed to be Your acceptance of such change(s). It is Your responsibility to check these Terms of Sale before ordering Services to determine if there have been changes. If you do not agree with the Terms of Sale and/or any changes You should not order from Our Site.

Electronic Communication and Notifications

Electronic communication such as e-mail is expressly allowed as a means of service for all types of notices and written communications by Us to the Customer.

If You have any queries relating to Our Terms of Sale before placing an Order, please contact our sales team on info@primaryofs.co.uk

Customer Obligations

Your contract for Services is with Primary Office Furniture Services Ltd, or any of its affiliate entities and You warrant the following:

- The Personal Data that You are required to provide when You register as a Customer is true, accurate, current and complete in all respects;

- You will notify Us promptly of any changes to Your Personal Data by updating these details on Your account;

- By placing an Order, the person doing so confirms that he or she is authorised to do so by or on behalf of the Customer;

- You are over the age of eighteen. If You are under the age of eighteen, you will not be eligible to place an Order and You may only use the Site under the supervision of a parent or guardian;

- We reserve the right to terminate any Order and to suspend or terminate Your access to the Site immediately and without notice to You if:

  -- You fail to make payment to Us when due;

  -- You otherwise breach any of Our Terms of Service in any material respect;

  -- When requested by Us to do so, You fail to provide within a reasonable timeframe, sufficient information to enable Us to determine the accuracy and validity of any information supplied by You, or Your identity; or We suspect You have engaged, or are about to engage, or have way of being involved in fraudulent or illegal activity;

  -- You agree fully to indemnify, defend and hold Us, Our officers, directors, employees, agents and suppliers, harmless immediately on demand, from and against all claims, liability, damages, losses, costs and expenses, (including legal fees), arising out of or in connection with any breach of the Site by You or any other liabilities arising out of Your use of the site.


Quotations are valid for thirty (30) calendar days and are exclusive of VAT. Prices will be honoured during this period where Services remain available.

Beyond this period, the prices (excluding VAT) and Services available are liable to change.

Additional Terms of Sale & amendments

Additional terms or clarification of these Terms of Service may be added or amended by other documents or correspondence provided to You. You will be deemed to have accepted any such new terms or clarification in the same way as the Terms of Service. 

Where such new terms conflict with these Terms of Service, the Terms of Service shall take precedence.


You are deemed to have accepted these Terms of Service either by explicit acceptance, or by continuing to engage in business with Us.

Customers should ensure that they understand and accept these Terms of Service before placing an Order. If there are any questions, customers are invited to contact our service team for clarification prior to ordering: info@primaryofs.co.uk

Invoices, Site Orders and quotations and various other documents refer to these Terms of Service. Placing such an Order or receiving such a document is deemed to provide notice of these Terms of Service.

Payment terms

Invoices will be sent to the Customer’s nominated billing contact. Unless requested otherwise, this will be by e-mail.

All invoices are payable within 30 days. The invoice date and the due date are shown on the invoice.

Where payment is not received in accordance with the Terms of Sale, the Company will be entitled to pursue any legal rights to recover the sums due. The costs of any such legal action, including any pre-litigious activity and any enforcement will be added to the debt.

The Company reserves its right to assign the rights and obligations arising, including debt obligations, under any contract pursuant to these Terms of Sale.


VAT will be charged to Customers buying Services to a UK address at the prevailing standard rate. The VAT charges will be calculated and added to your invoice.

Limitation of Liability

The Services offered on Our Site are provided for private domestic and Customer use only. Accordingly, We do not accept liability for any indirect loss, consequential loss, loss of data, loss of income or profit, loss of damage to property and/or loss from claims of third parties arising out of the use of the Site or for any Services purchased from Us.

We have taken every reasonable measure to prevent internet fraud and ensure any data collected from You is stored as securely and safely as possible. However, We cannot be held liable in the unlikely event of a breach in Our secure computer servers.

We make reasonable endeavours to ensure (but grant no warranty) that Our Site will be uninterrupted, timely or error-free, that defects will be corrected, or that the Site or the server that makes it available are free of viruses or bugs or represents the full functionality, accuracy, or reliability of the Site. We will not be liable to You for any loss of content or material uploaded or transmitted through the Site.

Our total aggregate liability to You will not exceed the price paid for the Services and any other charges relating solely to the Services.

We will not be liable, in contract, tort (including, without limitation, negligence), pre-contract or other representations (other than fraudulent or negligent misrepresentations) or otherwise out of or in connection with the conditions for:

Any economic or consequential losses (including without limitation, loss of revenues, profits, contracts, business or anticipated savings); or

Any loss of goodwill or reputation; or

Any special, consequential or indirect losses suffered or incurred by the Customer or any other party, including but not limited to, loss of revenue, profit, savings, goodwill, business opportunity or injury to reputation.

No liability will be accepted for any losses incurred by any associates, clients, partners, companies or any other person or legal entity related to You as a Customer.

We do not accept any responsibility for any losses due to a failure to supply Services within the agreed timescales, where we have made reasonable efforts to do so.

We do not accept liability for any errors and omissions and reserve the right to change information, prices, specifications and descriptions of listed and Services.

We give no warranty protection in relation to the Services.

This does not affect Your statutory rights as a consumer, nor does it affect Your contract cancellation rights.

Nothing in the Terms of Sale shall exclude or limit Our liability for death or personal injury resulting from Our negligence or that of Our servants, agents or employees.

Submission of contact information

While using the Site, You may choose to submit Personal Information through email or on-line forms. We will use this information to process Your requests. We will not intentionally sell, share, or distribute Your Personal Information to third parties, except as required by law.

Intellectual Property and Copyright

All copyright, trademarks and all other intellectual property rights in all material or content of the Site are owned or controlled by Us. In accessing the Site, You agree that You may only download the content for Your own individual and non-commercial use. Any other use of the material and content of the Site is strictly prohibited. You are not permitted to copy, broadcast, download, store (in any medium), transmit, show or play in public, adapt or change in any way the content of the Site for any other purpose whatsoever without the prior written permission from Us. 


In accordance with Our GDPR, Privacy and Personal Security Policy, We will not pass on Your personal, credit, or debit card details to any third party without Your prior and express permission.


We are insured for public liability and employer's liability. Copies of the certificates are available on request.


No waiver by Us shall be construed as a waiver of any proceeding or succeeding breach of any provision.


Each provision of the Terms of Sale shall be construed as separately applying and surviving even if for any reason one or other of those provisions is held to be inapplicable or unenforceable in any circumstances.

Severance and survival

If any part of the Terms of Sale shall be deemed unlawful, void or for any reason unenforceable, then that provision shall be deemed to be severable from the Terms of Sale and shall not affect the validity and enforceability of any of the remaining provisions of the Terms of Sale.

Entire agreement

These Terms of Sale govern Our relationship with You. In this way, We can avoid any problems surrounding what We are expected to do. You confirm that, in agreeing to accept the Terms of Sale, You have not relied on any representation save insofar as the same has expressly been made a term of these Terms of Sale and You agree that You shall have no remedy in respect of any representation. Your statutory rights are not affected. Nothing in this clause shall limit or exclude Our liability in respect of any fraudulent or negligent misrepresentation whether or not such has become a term of the Terms of Sale.

Exclusion of the rights of third parties

A party who is not a party to this contract for the Order of  Services in accordance with these Terms of Sale has no right under the Contracts (Rights of Third Parties) Act 1999 to enforce any terms.

Governing Law and Jurisdiction

The Terms of Sale shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of England and You hereby agree and unreservedly and irrevocably submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of England.

Customer Access Obligations

Once a confirmed Order and the required payment have been received, and once We have confirmed that all the services will be available, the works will be scheduled with the Access Contact.

By engaging Us to carry out any work, the Customer confirms legal entitlement to do so. In particular, the Customer warrants entitlement to grant access to the Customer’s property and to make any required alterations to it.

Arrangements can be made to meet the Access Contact directly at the Customer’s property.

There must be road access available to the Customer’s delivery property for commercial vehicles. Parking must be available within a distance that is reasonable in relation to manually carrying all the product that are to be delivered and removed.

The property must be in suitable condition to allow delivery of the Goods. This means that the property must be free from any relevant health and safety hazards. Any flooring, carpeting, electrical, plumbing or other such work in the areas where Goods are to be delivered must not impact the feasibility of Our delivery operation. Any building or refurbishment work that may affect the delivery must be completed throughout the delivery route (e.g. all paint must be dry), staircases and lifts must be in working order, or if this is not the case notified to Us prior to the delivery date. There must be space within the property sufficient to deliver and install the Goods.

All staircases and lifts to be used for access to the property must be accessible and available throughout the scheduled delivery time. The Customer is responsible for making the appropriate bookings prior to Our delivery.

We will use reasonable endeavours to complete any delivery or removal as far as is reasonably practicable. We reserve the right to refuse to carry out any delivery that We deem to be unreasonable, or unsafe. In such cases, We will attempt to contact the Customer to arrange an alternative delivery solution.

Should a failure to meet any of the delivery requirements listed prevent Us from completing the delivery using reasonable means, the Customer is liable to pay a charge towards the costs of the Failed Delivery. See under Failed Deliveries below for further details.

If the delivery team believes that delivery of Goods to the Customer's room of choice may cause damage to the Goods, or property, or infringe health & safety regulations, We will inform You. In such circumstances, We will not be liable for any damage to the Goods or the property as a result of attempting installation on the Customer's instructions. We reserve the right to decline or reschedule the delivery.


Where an Access Contact is at the property, We require the person to sign to confirm satisfactory receipt of the Goods. If this Access Contact is dissatisfied in any way with the delivered Goods, this should be recorded on the form at the time of delivery. Likewise, any rejected or missing Goods should be noted on the form at the time of delivery or within 24 hours from delivery.

Packaging & waste removal

As part of Our delivery service, subject to the following paragraph, packaging and waste from the Goods that We deliver to You will be removed by Us for recycling or disposal.

Removal & disposal of unwanted Goods

Primary holds a waste carrier licence.

We may consider a request to remove and dispose of any unwanted Customer property on a like- for-like basis at Our discretion. This is limited to property of equivalent size and weight to the Goods(s) that We have delivered. We will not be able to take any Goods that require a plumber or electrician to disconnect or any that require specialist tools, plumbing or handling.

It is a legal requirement that each item of Customer property to be taken away must be specified in advance so that We can raise a waste transfer notice. As such, the details must be given at the time of Order placement. For refrigerators, it is necessary to specify for each item whether it contains Chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs). Without this information, We cannot remove them.

Any Customer property that is not ready for disposal as described here at the time of delivery will not be removed. If We are asked to return at a later date to remove property not ready for disposal on the original delivery date, this may incur a further charge in addition to the standard removal and disposal charge.

Where We are instructed to dispose of any property, the Customer confirms that he is the owner or that he is duly authorized by the owner. The Customer indemnifies Us against any claim We are not entitled to carry out the instructions.

We also reserve the right to refuse to collect any item We believe constitutes a health and safety risk to Our employees, or anyone working on Our behalf.

Cancelled or rescheduled Orders

Once a delivery has been scheduled with the Customer or Access Contact, any cancellation, amendment or rearrangement is liable to incur a charge towards the cost of the rejected delivery (for a cancellation or rescheduling) or the need for an additional delivery (for an amendment). See also under Failed Deliveries below.

Failed Deliveries

Where We fail to carry out a delivery or are unable to complete any contracted work for any reason before the agreed delivery deadline, We will attempt to notify You at the earliest opportunity to agree a solution.

Where any such failure results from failed access or some other matter for which You or the Access Contact is responsible, a charge may be payable.

Failed deliveries will be rescheduled in the normal course as set out below.

Next Day Installation Service Offering

Goods will be delivered to the Customer's room of choice by uniformed and trained Primary installation staff.

Goods will be assembled and installed unless specifically instructed otherwise.

All packaging material from the Goods will be removed in accordance with Our packaging and waste removal processes.

Specified unwanted Goods can be removed on a like-for-like basis as set out herein.

Appliances are connected and tested as set out herein.

This service does not include dressing the property. No Goods will be hung or attached to the walls, unless otherwise specified previously nor will any work be carried out that affects the fabric of the property or any other furniture already there.

Geographical areas covered

This service is available as standard throughout Our Local Delivery Zones.

It may also be available outside of these areas by agreement. See above for details.


Each party undertakes to the other party that it will not engage in any activity, practice or conduct which would constitute an offence under the Bribery Act 2010; and it has and will maintain in place, adequate procedures designed to prevent any Associated Person (as defined in the Bribery Act 2010) from undertaking any conduct that would give rise to an offence under the Bribery Act 2010.

We may pay a third-party introducer a commission fee for their services in relation to this Contract. However, such payments will not offend the Bribery Act 2010 and will be of relatively minor value unless specifically disclosed to the Customer.

Delivery and installation

We deliver to the UK mainland and Northern Ireland only and reserve the right to refuse any services that specify a delivery location outside this area.

Our Installation Services are carried out by our fully trained crews and such services will include clearance of all packaging materials and all furniture will be fully adjusted and leveled.

Installation Services are normally carried out during Working Hours and in a single phase. We can however, provide Installation Services outside of Working Hours or in multiple phases depending on your requirements.

Where the Installation Services are to be provided above ground floor level, we will require access to and continuous use of a lift, if one is available, for the full duration of the installation.

If you have requested Installation Services, this may affect delivery times depending upon availability of fitting crews.

You are responsible for preparing the premises so that we can carry out the Installation Services and you shall ensure that you obtain and maintain all necessary licenses, permissions and consents which may be required to allow the Installation Services to be carried out before the date on which such Installation Services are to start.

If you do not allow us access to your property to perform the services as arranged (and you do not have a good reason for this) we may charge you additional costs incurred by us as a result. If, despite our reasonable efforts, we are unable to contact you or re-arrange access to your property we may end the contract.

Terms & Conditions

There is a minimum call out charge of 8 hours.

The standard rates apply from 0800 to 1800 Monday to Friday.

Electrical Testing will be charged per desk with a minimum charge of 10 desks.

Service calls will be charged. This applies when less than two hours are spent on site for a maximum of 2 staff.

Where a site survey is required prior to commencement of a project, this will usually be conducted by a Project Manager and will be charged at an hourly rate.

Any other deliveries/ collection outside of London postal districts will be charged accordingly.

Any parking costs incurred (e.g. meters, parking fines, waste disposal, clamps etc.) will be charged accordingly. It would be helpful if parking facilities could be identified at time of booking.

Travel time will be charged outside the London postal district at normal published rates.

There is now a minimum charge for any waste disposal, anything over and above 200kg will be charged accordingly. If a vehicle is not booked on the job and waste needs to be removed this will incur a cost.

When travelling during unsociable hours (e.g. between 2300 and 0600 hours) a charge for cars or taxis will be made to transport staff to site.

Goods in transit are insured.

24 hours notice is required for cancellation of jobs. Less than 24 hours will incur the minimum charge plus the cost of any vehicles etc booked.

Overnight accommodation will be charged per person per night.

Payment terms are strictly 30 days from date of invoice

Storage and Warehousing

Receiving Handling and Delivery (RHD) of goods will be charged per pallet. Where goods are not stored on pallets, an appropriate charge will be made depending on the time involved and complexity of handling.

Where clients require a designated set area to be made available for their goods this will be invoiced per Sq ft per year paid one month in advance plus the usual handling charge.

An access fee will be charged for clients requesting to view their goods, due to having to spend time pulling boxes out from storage.

If you want to remove your goods from the storage facility all outstanding invoices must be paid in full before the goods are released.

Please note, as a special service, Primary can even arrange to build desking, cabinet’s etc. in the warehouse in preparation for delivery to site. In this case the normal hourly charge for a fitter will be levied in addition to the RHD charge.

Primary have standard building insurance in place to cover such hazards as floods, fire, water damage or explosions up to a maximum of 20,000.00, additional cover will be required for such items as antiques, computers and other valuables.

Primary warehouses are open during normal working hours from 08.00 to 16.00 Monday to Friday, if you need to deliver or collect goods out of these hours you will need to arrange with the Warehouse Manager to have the warehouse open. This service will be charged at the appropriate hourly rate.


These terms and conditions apply to the use of this website (the "Website"). Please read these terms and conditions carefully. Your use of the Website is confirmation that you have understood and agreed to be bound by all of these terms and conditions. Primary Office Furniture Services may suspend your use of this site immediately if you do not comply with these terms and conditions.

The Website is communicated by and is the property of Primary Office Furniture Services, and all the material on this Website is subject to copyright with all rights reserved.


Users may not link any other website to the Website without obtaining the prior written consent of Primary Office Furniture Services. Users must also not use the Website in a way which causes or may cause:

the Website or the service offered to be interrupted, damaged or impaired;

offence or detriment to any other person who uses the Website or any services offered;

Primary Office Furniture Services, you or any other user of the Website to be in breach of applicable law or regulation; or

detriment to any person who supplies services to Primary Office Furniture Services in connection with the Website.

Access to the Website is not open to persons resident in, or citizens of, any territory outside of the United Kingdom where to allow such access would require any registration, filing, application for any license or approval or other steps to be taken by Primary Office Furniture Services in order to comply with local laws or other regulatory requirements in such overseas territory. We make no representation that any material contained on this Website is appropriate for any jurisdiction other than the United Kingdom. The server on which this Website is maintained is located in England and the information delivered via the site is deemed to have been delivered in England.


The Website is for informational purposes only. Nothing in the Website should be construed as an offer, invitation or general solicitation to buy or sell any investments or securities, provide investment advisory services or to engage in any other transaction, and must not be relied upon in connection with any investment decision.


The information on the Website, including all opinions or other content, is not intended to and does not constitute financial, accounting, tax, legal, investment, consulting or other professional advice or services, but is for information purposes only.


No warranty, condition or undertaking or term, either express or implied, is given that the information or opinions contained in this website are accurate, reliable or complete or as to the freedom of this site from defects, viruses, malicious programs or macro or as to the appropriateness of the content of the Website for any use which the recipient may choose to make of it. The information published on the Website is provided as a convenience to visitors and should be used for informational purposes only and is subject to change without notice. If you require additional information, you should contact appropriate Primary Office Furniture Services personnel.


Save in respect of liability for death or personal injury arising out of negligence or for fraudulent misrepresentation, we and all contributors to the Website hereby disclaim to the fullest extent permitted by law all liability for any loss or damage including any direct, special, consequential or indirect or punitive damages, losses, costs or expenses and any loss of profit incurred by you, whether arising in tort, contract or otherwise, and arising out of or in connection with your access to or use of, or inability to use, the Website or use of any material on the Website even if we have been advised of the possibility of such damage. In addition, no liability can be accepted by us in respect of any changes made to the content of this Website by unauthorised third parties.

In addition, any software which may be offered by the site from time to time is downloaded at your own risk. If you are in any doubt as to the suitability of this software for your computer, it is recommended that you obtain specialist advice before downloading it.

We provide no warranty that the Website will be available at any time. We will attempt to correct all faults as soon as we reasonably can. Primary Office Furniture Services makes no representations or warranties in particular as to the accuracy, currency or completeness of any information contained on the Website and may change the information at any time without notice.


The content of the Website is subject to copyright with all rights reserved. The copyright and all other rights in all of the material on the Website (including without limitation the screen displays, the content, the text, graphics and look and feel of the site) are owned by Primary Office Furniture Services and its licensors. You may download or print out a hard copy of such individual pages and/or sections of the Website as you may reasonably require provided that this is for private, non-commercial or domestic use only and that you do not remove any copyright or other proprietary notices. Any downloading or other copying from the Website will not transfer title to any software or material to you. You may not reproduce (in whole or in part), transmit (by electronic means or otherwise), modify, link into or use for any public or commercial purpose the Website without our prior written permission. Any unauthorised reproduction or use of the Website or the information presented therein may be the subject of prosecution, particularly for infringement of copyright. Any rights not expressly granted in these terms are reserved.


The Website may contain links to or from other websites over which Primary Office Furniture Services has no control. These linked sites are for your convenience only and you access them at your own risk. We are not responsible for the content of any linked sites. We do not in any way endorse the linked sites. Links to the Website may not be included in any other website without the prior written consent of Primary Office Furniture Services. We will not be responsible for the content of any advertising that may appear on our site nor for its compliance with any applicable laws or regulations.


You should be aware that the internet, being an open network, is not secure. If you choose to send any electronic communications to us by means of this Website, you do so at your own risk. We cannot guarantee that such communications will not be intercepted or changed or that they will reach the intended recipient safely.


No representation, warranty or guarantee or any kind, express or implied, is given by The Merit Group.


While we use reasonable endeavours to obtain information from sources which we believe to be reliable and to ensure that the information on the Website is up to date and accurate, Primary Office Furniture Services makes no representation or warranty that the information or opinions contained on the Website are accurate, reliable or complete. The information and opinions contained on the Website are provided by The Merit Group for personal use and for informational purposes only. You are solely liable for any use you may make of this information. The Merit Group makes no representation, warranty, condition, undertaking or term, whether express or implied, as to the condition, quality, performance, accuracy, suitability, fitness for purpose, completeness or freedom from viruses of the content contained on the Website or that such content will be accurate, up to date, uninterrupted or error fee. Whilst we take every care to ensure that the standard of the Website remains high and to maintain the continuity of it, the internet is not always a stable medium and errors, omissions, interruptions of service and delays may occur at any time, for which The Merit Group accepts no responsibility.


Changes are periodically made to the information on the Website and to these terms and conditions and these changes will be incorporated in new editions of this site. The Merit Group reserves the right to alter or amend any information set out in the Website and these terms and conditions without notice. If you use the Website after The Merit Group has posted the changes, you will be bound by the new terms. You should therefore ensure that you read the terms and conditions each time you use the Website.


The Merit Group does not give persons accessing the Website permission to use any trade mark contained in the Website. Unauthorised use may constitute an infringement of the relevant owner's rights.


If any part of these terms and conditions is, at any time, found to be invalid by a court, tribunal or other forum of competent jurisdiction, or otherwise rendered unenforceable, that decision shall not invalidate or void the remainder of these terms and conditions. These terms and conditions shall be deemed amended by modifying or severing such part as necessary to render them valid, legal and enforceable whilst preserving their intent or, if that is not possible, by substituting another provision that is valid, legal and enforceable that gives equivalent effect to the parties intent. Any such invalid or unenforceable part or parts shall be severable from these terms and conditions in any other jurisdiction and the validity of the part(s) in question shall not be affected thereby.


You may not assign, sub-licence or otherwise transfer any of your rights under these terms and conditions.


These terms and conditions, your use of the Website, and all matters connected with them (whether contractual or non-contractual) are governed by and shall be construed in accordance with the law of England and Wales and shall be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the English courts. If you access the Website from outside the UK you are responsible for ensuring compliance with any local laws relating to access.